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Trustees of Damon Memorial Library
Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2010

Attending: Celeste Duffy, Nina Mazloff, Connie Marr, Stephanie Poh, Mary Ritter, Edna Sexton

The Chair, Celeste Duffy, called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.

The minutes of the March 18, 2010 meeting were reviewed and approved. Motion to approve minutes-Poh. Seconded by Mazloff with unanimous approval.

Public forum - Sue Reynolds, Sam Klatt. Sam would like to put up a plaque at the library for his Eagle Scout project. He had some ideas and there was discussion on them. The Trustees were in support of the project but asked him to talk to someone on the Historical Commission on restrictions in regards to size, materials and placement.

Report of the Chair - Celeste and the other Trustees said thank you and we will miss you to Mary Ritter as this was her last Trustee meeting.

Director-The historical books that were found in Virginia have been returned and placed in the Local History Room. The Central Region will close in May but the company that does the deliveries will be the same. The times for delivery will change so there might be a slight delay in patrons receiving items. The Town Manager is forming a committee to look at capital planning for the next five years for town departments. We will need to be thinking of projects that might be needed for the library.
Dates to remember: May 5-Stan’s farewell party with staff and Trustees, May 12-Volunteer Appreciation party.

Building and Grounds-N/A
Planning and Policy-N/A

Old Business - The Chair of the Finance Committee informed Jane that our budget for next year was approved with no reductions.

New Business - Jane asked that the library be closed the entire Memorial weekend from Saturday through Monday and July 3rd. She also asked that summer hours on Saturdays, 9-1, begin June 5th till August 25th.
  • Ritter made a motion to accept the changes for summer Saturday hours and closing on May 29 and July 3. Poh seconded it with unanimous approval.
Correspondence - Jane heard from the Garden Club and they are paying for a small brass plaque to be placed under the tree that they planted near the driveway.

Adjournment - Marr made a motion to adjourn at 6:40 p.m. and was seconded by Ritter with unanimous approval.

Next meeting - May 17, 2010 right before Town Meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Edna Sexton